Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let the Games Begin...

The interview last week couldn't have gone better! I met with Ivan and Megan last week Thursday on Skype and we had a half-hour long interview. Friday, I got the confirmation email from them telling me 'Welcome Aboard!' So I celebrate! And pray to God for the courage and His grace as I begin to hardcore fundraiser. I have right now in my bank account about $2,800...give or take a little. I need to raise $7,000 for my Ireland trip, but my personal goal is $10,000. That way I'll have some financial cushion while I'm there. So here is my schedule of things I need to do:

  1. Set up my Visa

  2. Write a mass letter asking for prays and/or donations to send out

  3. Send out said letter

  4. Start organizing my room/possessions to make the packing process easier along with that make a list of what I can take and what I'll have to buy once I get to Kilkeel.

  5. Read the books on Uncle Dan's book list (will explain more)

  6. Pray pray pray!

I sent out an email to my father's side of the family telling them the good news and I am overwhelmed by the response. My Uncle Mike (Dad's older brother), who is a pilot, sent me his and Aunt Cheryl's love and offered to try and upgrade my flight for when I go...he's talking Business Class OH YEAH! My Uncle Dan (Dad's younger brother) is a professor at California State University in Long Beach and he goes to Ireland at least once every year with a class for a semester to study the literary history (I believe, I'm not completely sure but i know its for Irish literature). Anywho, he sent me an AMAZING book list of fiction, history, poetry, and a nice movie list too. Everyone has just been amazing and super supportive! I am so thankful for a family like mine.

Ivan mailed my contract which I should get in few more days. Once I to sign that I can then get my Visa all set up and ready for my travels.

Before I leave for those who read and are willing please pray for me...

  • School is ending and I am very anxious to be done. Pray for me to focus and keep learning.

  • Work is very frusterating for me. Pray for me to keep heart and my focus on my finacial goals ahead.

  • My grandfather is not doing well. He keeps getting sick and he is still very weak. I am scared for him and my grandma. Keep them and my whole family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you and until next time...

Ellie O'Connor

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